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HomeTipsFence RepairFence Repair using some extra materials around the house
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Here in Oklahoma, we have winds sweeping down the plains! This can cause big problems for privacy fences, where the cross members pull away from the posts and sometimes entire sections will fall. Another one of the reasons that we use screws in each and every part of your fence, but that’s a different story… If you do have a fence that is starting to peel away from the post this is the best way to repair the fence until you can have a pro come out to make an assesment.

Materials that you will need:

Wood screws – 3″ in length or longer

2×4 pieces – 2′ or longer in length (if your cross member ends have broken as well)

Hack saw (or reciprocating saw with a metal cutting blade)

Drill for driving your long screws

On to the repair!:

First clean up the area that needs to be attached back to the post, using your hack saw, remove the nails that are coming through the crossmember. This will allow you to get solid contact with the post when you re-attach it.

If you have broken crossmembers near the post, lean your fence back up and add a piece of 2×4 to span the gap between the adjoining crossmember. Attach the 2×4 to the post with several screws, then use several screws to attach the crossmember to your new brace!

From the outside of the fence, add additional screws through your crossmembers into the posts, this will add life and make sure it’s stable.

Also, give me a call anytime! I’m happy to come out and see if any additional repairs are needed or if there’s anything else that needs done.

Good luck on your repair!

Adam’s Fence Co


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